Grown Cherry Breeds

Our Orchard grows 18 diffrent cherries.

Kordia Cherries


  • Tree:medium-high vigour, spreading and well-branching growth, self-sterile with medium-high productivity
  • Blossoming time: medium-late. Self-sterile..
  • Fruit:Fruits: large sized, heart-shaped, bright dark red to black skin background colour and spotted skin overcolour. Firm, crunchy, red coloured flesh with good flavour. Average resistance to handling and poor sensitivity to fruit Monilia;
  • Blossoming time: medium late; 24 days post B.Burlat.
Grace Star

Grace Star

  • Tree: high vigour, semi-upright habit, high and steady productivity. Good branching, fruit-bearing time is rather long on vigorous rootstocks, medium on medium-strength rootstocks. Good productivity on weak rootstocks
  • Blossoming time: medium-late. Self-fertile.
  • Fruit:large-sized, heart-shaped, bright dark red colour. Flesh has good taste and average texture.
  • Harvesting season:medium-early;16 days post B.Burlat.


  • Tree: medium vigour, standard habit, autosterile, medium productivity.
  • Blossoming time: very late bloom. Selfsterile.
  • Fruit:large sized, heart-shaped, deep red spotted skin background colour. Flesh has an excellent taste and very firm texture. This variety is less susceptible to Monilia, it also has a good productive behavior on dwarfing rootstocks.
  • Harvesting season:late; 30 days post B.Burlat.


  • Tree: medium vigour
  • Blossoming time: very early. Self-sterile.
  • Fruit:heart-shaped, medium sized, dark red skin. Medium quality taste. Usually requires 2-3 picking sessions.
  • Harvesting season:very early; 9 days pre B.Burlat.


  • Tree: medium strong, semi-upright to widely spreading, good branching. ideal high crop load with even dense hanging fruits without clusters.
  • Blossoming time: Late to very late. Self-fertile.
  • Fruit:large , attractive heart-shaped with small apex,long to very long, robust stalks, dark to black red aromatic with balanced acidity, acidity dissipated when fully mature, after heavy rainfall highripe fruits tend to crack in the stalk cavity
  • Harvesting season:medium-late;16 days post B.Burlat.


  • Tree: medium-high vigour, partially spreading growth habit, self-sterile, medium productivity.
  • Blossoming time: late bloom. Self-sterile
  • Fruit:medium-sized, heart-shaped, dark, wine-red skin with spotted skin overcolour. Juicy, pink coloured flesh with good taste and average texture. Good resistance to handling and mediumpoor sensitivity to fruit Monilia.
  • Harvesting season:medium late; 22 days post B.Burlat.
Sweet Saretta

Sweet Saretta

  • Tree: high vigor, open canopy, wellbranched, standard fruiting habitus, very early bearing, remarkably high and constant cropping.
  • Blossoming time: intermediate bloom, 1-2 days post B.Burlat, self-fertile
  • Fruit:very large size; symmetrical heart-shape; shiny red skin tending to shiny red vermilion skin at advanced ripening; firm flesh, sweet, good aromatic taste, mid-short peduncle.
  • Harvesting season:mid-late season, 23 days post B.Burlat, uniform ripening, optimal and long on-tree fruit lifespan.
Sweet Stephany

Sweet Stephany

  • Tree: high vigor, open canopy, wellbranched, standard fruiting habitus, very early bearing, very high and constant cropping.
  • Blossoming time: intermediate bloom, 1-2 days post B.Burlat, self-fertile
  • Fruit:very large size; symmetrical heart-shape; shiny red skin tending to shiny purplish red skin at advanced ripening ; firm flesh, sweet, good and aromatic taste.
  • Harvesting season:mid-late season, 27 days post B.Burlat, uniform ripening, optimal and long on-tree fruit lifespan.
Sweet Lorenz

Sweet Lorenz

  • Tree: high vigor, open canopy, standard fruiting habitus, good branching, early bearing, high and constant cropping.
  • Blossoming time: intermediate bloom, 1 day after Burlat, self-sterile
  • Fruit:very large size; symmetrical heart-shaped , shiny red skin tending to shiny purplish red skin at advanced ripening; firm flesh; sweet, good taste; medium long peduncle.
  • Harvesting season:mid-early season, 6 days post B.Burlat, uniform ripening, optimal and long on-tree fruit lifespan.
Sweet Aryana

Sweet Aryana

  • Tree: high vigor, open canopy, good branching, early bearing, high and constant cropping.
  • Blossoming time: early bloom, 2-3 days pre B.Burlat, self-fertile
  • Fruit:medium-large size; symmetrical depressed and heart-shaped, shiny tending to dark red skin, shiny dark reddish blackish skin at advanced ripening; firm flesh; sweet, good taste; medium long peduncle.
  • Harvesting season:early season; 3 days post B.Burlat; uniform ripening; optimal and long ontree fruit lifespan.
Sweet Gabriel

Sweet Gabriel

  • Tree: high vigor, open canopy, standard fruiting habitus, good branching, very early bearing, very high and constant cropping
  • Blossoming time:intermediate bloom, same period of Burlat, self-sterile.
  • Fruit:very large size; symmetrical heart-shape, shiny red skin tending to shiny purplish red skin at advanced ripening; firm flesh; sweet; good aromatic taste, mid-long peduncle.
  • Harvesting season: mid-season, 10 days post B.Burlat, uniform ripening, optimal and long ontree fruit lifespan
Sweet Valina

Sweet Valina

  • Tree: very high vigor, semi-open canopy, standard fruiting habitus, branched, mid-early season bearing, high and constant cropping.
  • Blossoming time: intermediate bloom, 1-2 days post Burlat, self-sterile
  • Fruit:very large size; symmetrical heart-shape; shiny red skin tending to shiny purplish red skin at advanced ripening; firm flesh; sweet, good and aromatic taste, mid-long peduncle, high susceptibility to cracking.
  • Harvesting season:mid-season, 20 days post B.Burlat, uniform ripening, optimal and long ontree fruit lifespan.
SweetHeart Cherries


  • Tree: Good vigor, fast fruit set, mid-open growth habit
  • Blossoming time: Late blossom season. Self-fertile.
  • Fruit:large-sized, heart-shaped, bright dark red colour. Good, very sweet, crunchy.
  • Harvesting season:Very late, about 35 post Burlat
SweetHeart Cherries

Sweet Heart

  • Tree: Cherry of medium to high vigor with semi-erect habit, it has a good production especially on darts.
  • Blossoming time: Mid-season flowering, not abundant. Self fertile variety.
  • Fruit: The fruit of medium-large size has spherical shape and heart-shaped and deep red dotted skin; susceptible to brown rot and also to burns due to the excessive heat of summer. Low sensitivity to cracking.The flesh of this cherry is firm and very sweet and a bit sour (high sugar content and acid), but very pleasant taste
  • Harvesting season:Very late ripening time, about 44 post Burlat
SweetHeart Cherries

Sweet Dave

  • Tree: good vigour with a growth habitus that is adaptable to different training systems and planting densities. It bears very early fruits, high and constant cropping.
  • Blossoming time: early. Self-fertile.
  • Fruit:very large fruit size. Fruit skin is deep mahogany red and shiny at maturation. The pulp is consistent, crunchy sweet and aromatic, with a good balance between sugar-acidity content.
  • Harvesting season:very early;
SweetHeart Cherries


  • Tree: medium vigor, semi-upright habit, good productivity.
  • Blossoming time: early. Self-fertile.
  • Fruit:large-sized, round or flattened, red colour, sweet with a flavor. Flesh has good taste and average texture.
  • Harvesting season:late; 38 days post B.Burlat.
SweetHeart Cherries

Axel Alex

  • Tree: self-fertile variety with moderate vigour.
  • Blossoming time: medium (neither late nor early). Self-fertile.
  • Fruit:good fruit size and high productivity.
  • Harvesting season:late; 34 days post B.Burlat